Monday, February 28, 2011

Volunteers Making A Difference

Last weekend was a great one for one of the dogs' shelter as more volunteers came in to offer their help. There were two main groups on Saturday, UNITAR students for their charity project and UMS students who came along with one of the regular volunteers, Ju Ping. We welcome another individual who came in to help, Laura, and hopes that she will be one of the regulars too. 


SPCA KK does not have any permanent staff to run all the shelters and doing the rescuing works too, among other things. All are working voluntarily, while at the same time doing their day job too to earn their livings. When a group of people get together and pitch in, they really can make a difference. The routine work of bathing the dogs, cleaning and cooking was done in a shorter time. The yard was cleared too, which has been put off before because there were not enough manpower to do so over the weekend. 

As of Sunday, one more individual, Louise and a student from UMS came in to offer their help, too. So all in all, there were a total of 13 volunteers who came in over the weekend to make the jobs lighter. Hopefully there will be more individuals who will step forward and become regular volunteers for SPCA KK. 

Thank you to each individual who came in over the weekend, your help is greatly appreciated! Hope to see you again! 


  1. how to be a volunteer ..?

  2. please email us an give us your details like name and contact number.

    our email is
