Monday, February 28, 2011


What is Spay/Neuter?
The term neutering refers to the removal of the reproductive organs of the male and female animal, while spaying is specific to female cats and the male cat is castrated.
Advantages of SPAYING or NEUTERING your pet.
  1. Pet Population Control
    Thousands of stray pets face euthanasia or are suffering on the streets so, please spay your pets and help prevent this problem.
  2. Heath Benefits
    • Females
      • Decreases the risk of mammary tumors (breast cancer)
      • Eliminates the risk of uterine infections (pyometra)
      • Reduces the risk of TVT (Transmissible Venereal Tumour), a sexually transmitted cancer.
    • Males
      • Reduces the chances of TVT
      • Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer
      • Markedly reduces the risk of prostrate cancer, anal gland cancer
  3. Behaviour Benefits
    • Reduces stress
    • Prevents wandering and roaming in search of females, which can lead to:
      • road accidents
      • fighting leading to wounds and infections
      • spread of diseases such as TVT
    • Eliminates marking of territory by urine spraying and reduces odor
    • Reduces interdog aggression. 

    Why spay or neuter your pet?
    There are many medical and behavioral benefits from spaying or neutering your pets. These includes:

  4. Easier for you.
    • Avoid embarrassing moments where dogs like to 'mount' on peoples leg.
    • Eliminate the the frantic pacing and crying while in heat.
  5. Healthier for your pet.
    • Avoid the risks of pregnancy and birth.
    • Reduces the risk of prostate problems and testicular tumors later in life. Reduces the possibility of mammary tumors.
  6. Reduce the overpopulation problem.
    • One male can impregnate many females, resulting in unwanted kittens and puppies.
    • You don't have to worry of what to do with the unplanned litters of puppies and kittens.
  7. Eliminates sexual frustration.
    • A frustrated male can do bad things like jump fences and bump on the door in order to mate.
    • Spayed and neutered pets are more relax and are loyal to your family
      To neuter or not to neuter?
      You may have chosen not to neuter your cat without realizing the long term effect. Starting from 2 cats, you my end up with as many as 20,000 kittens in a matter of 7 years.

      Do you have the means to care for them or to find them homes? It is a known fact that there are a lot of stray cats wandering all around town. The majority of them cannot get sufficient food and are exposed to diseases and to the taunting and cruelty of heartless folks; or may end up maimed or dead from accidents.

      According to the experts, neutered cats are healthier and less prone cancerous of the reproductive organs. Cats become less likely to wander and will therefore not get lost, hurt, sick and not incur the wrath of the public from their mating activities.

      We have referred to the "Jawatankuasa Kemajuan Islam Malaysia" regarding the neutering of pets. Below is the "fatwa" issued by JAKIM (July 2002):

      "All pets like cats and dogs are allowed to be neutered or spayed in order to maintain the health and welfare of both the animals and the community."

      "Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan seperti kucing atau anjing hukumnya adalah diharuskan dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu bagi menjaga muslahat ummah."

      After studying the messages of the aforementioned "mazhab"s and the medical viewpoint of the SPCA animal experts, 'JAKIM' has decided that neutering of cats for reasons of 'maslahat' is acceptable. It is in agreement with 'qaedah' (way) Fiqhiyyah which states "To choose the lesser of two evils".

      In view of the good which can be derived, neutering can be carried out for the well-being of your pet cat. Do not be of two minds anymore. Hurry to your vet to make an appointment to neuter your cat.

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